Saturday, September 12, 2020

388 - Use of Replacement field operator {} on strings

 388 - Use of Replacement field operator {} on strings


Use of Replacement field operator {} on strings


Example - 01 :

name , age = 'Rambo',50

print('Hello {0} , your age is {1}'.format(name,age))


Hello Rambo , your age is 50


Example - 02 :

name , age = 'Rambo',50

print('Hello {n}, your age is {a}'.format(n=name,a=age) )


Hello Rambo, your age is 50


Example - 03 :

name , age = 'Rambo',50

print('Hello %s, your age is %.2f'%(name,age))


Hello Rambo , your age is 50



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