Monday, September 14, 2020

What are the various functions available in numpy for processing the elements of one-dimensional arrays

What are the various functions available in numpy for processing the elements of one-dimensional arrays



Question: What are the various functions available in numpy for processing the elements of one-dimensional arrays ?


The various functions available in numpy to process the elements of one-dimensional arrays are :


  1.  sin() - for finding the sine value of elements of the array
  2. cos() - for finding out the cosine value of elements of an array
  3. tan() - for obtaining tangent values of elements of an array
  4. sqrt() - used for obtaining the square root values of elements of an array
  5. pow() - used for obtaining the power values of elements of array
  6. min() - used to obtain the minimum values of elements from an array
  7. max() - used to obtain the maximum values of elements from an array
  8. sort() - used to sort the elements of the array in an ascending order



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