Thursday, September 10, 2020

procedure to create an array using linspace function

 procedure to create an array using linspace function



procedure to create an array using linspace function



The linspace() function is used to create an array with

evenly spaced points between a starting point and

ending point .The expression of linspace() function is as

given below :




Here , 'start' represents the starting point .

'stop' represents the ending point.

'n' is an integer that represents the number of parts the

element should be divided . If 'n' is omitted , then n is

taken as 50.



a = linspace(0,10,5)


In the above statement , an array is being created with

starting point element 0 and ending point element as

10 . This range is divided into 5 equal parts and hence

the points are 0 , 2, 5, 7.5 and 10 , and all these subdivided

elements within the range are stored into 'a' array .

Here , the starting and the ending point elements

are part of the array and not omitted from the array .





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